Minutes Network SDK

Discover more about our SDK and how it extends your userbase to support global telephony increasing your revenue.

Integrating the SDK from Minutes Network into your Android app introduces a brand new revenue stream that does not disturb the existing user experience. No new screens, no additional buttons and no pop ups. Integration is easy, GDPR compliant and does not interrupt your application's existing revenue streams.

The SDK Portal offers you the capability to observe your earnings in real time, alongside metrics that illustrate the performance of your new revenue source. The portal also offers tools to manage your earnings, providing options to transfer your funds directly to your bank account.

After your application has been approved for integration by our team, integrating the Minutes Network SDK becomes a straightforward task. It requires only a few lines of code to be copied into your application, and your new monetisation stream will start generating you income.

The Minutes Network App functions silently and does not disrupt your app user’s experience or detract from existing revenue streams. We do not serve adverts, and we do not modify the user interface of your application. Our SDK runs quietly in the background, and the user will not notice any change in user experience.

Every minute counts